Friday, February 27, 2009


Of all the things that baffle me a lot ,there is a single trait of human being that leaves me completely awestruck!'THE ABILITY TO LEARN and IMPROVE eventually 'is wat i m talking about!When i probed into this topic deeper... i found something bizarre... all the things have this trait(be it living or non living!)As it is said everything has its positives and negatives , this particular attribute too has more of grey shades than colorful ones (i ain't talking abt the impact they create ...its just the numbers... its easy to get into a bad habit and company u that!).
So, let me now throw the limelight onto the most vibrant side of it!
From the day this universe originated...its been under constant changes..the BIG BANG.. followed by stars, planets, unicellular life to a complex form (Humans occupying the top of now..)..the development of a civilization which eventually became a history and a new headstart to another group in a totally different scenario.. the sequence of finding abt our ancestors.. the development of so called technology and now finally it has zeroed in on the sustainable development(ya ya.. high sounding terms.. it means growing and not affecting mother nature simple words) .Does this leave u surprised?? well this is jus a preview of how each and everything is trying to grow..learn and in turn grow again..(Survival of the fittest u see!... din know how Charles Darwin cud understand... may be a thought process again!)YES!The best things that this world has seen from the civilized ppl , airplanes,Hubble telescope, charity and whatever pops into ur mind roots down to the THOUGHT PROCESS!
Having sketched an image abt the good... let me flip the coin to understand the darker side of it!!
I begin wit few dumb questions... if the universe started wit a big bang and is ever developing,why shud it have black holes?if planets were carved to support evolution..why is there only one earth in this entire milky way?if the civilization were to become extinct without any descendants.. why shud they be created in the first place? !!!(Answers?? u have tell me)The sixth sense as ppl say... has more of ill effects!hadn't it been for the so called sixth sense... there wont be borders on earth,there wont be a superpower or the fear of bombs,there wont be global warming nor would people face situations like srilankan war,mumbai terror attack or the afghani rebel!The thinking of "ME first ,REST next" has always led to such a situation..and the damage done is so intense and irreversible that people have got used to it! Let me put forth another instance to emphasize upon my stand.... why should there be poverty?( people not knowing how to earn money? or not being let to do tat?) why are the cases of theft and rapes ever increasing?(have our elders made a mistake by creating laws? or should we blame the society for inculcating this thought in the individual?...for i know.. no one is a born criminal)Shiftin my focus now...... putting forth personal questions almost everyone would have asked but wudn wanna answer!why did sumone BETRAY me?why din i tell the TRUTH to them? Why are people jealous of me?Have i ever tried understandin anyone the way i want them to understand me??!(few answers true to heart might leave us guilty!)
Indeed this topic is debatable and its one of the reasons why i chose to blog on it!
having tried listin the pros and cons of this (an abstract..dumb..senseless or watevr u call it) topic..i have a weird conclusion..that pops into my mind.. i have gathered my thoughts below and have added the conclusion to it!
Evnthough there are bad ppl,killings and bla bla... the world s still alive..when few kill,many stand by others and save them..inspite of extinction there is evolution,new stars are created while few are engulfed by the black hole!!
According to me... although the evil outnumbers the good.. the effect that the good thoughts create are far from bein compared wit the bad side!(be it the thought process of human or Mother nature!)Try analyzing where u stand... for its us..the present generation that has to take up the responsibility of making the society a better place to live in!JAI HO!

(note: no personal references have been made here..i apologise if i have struck a wrong chord! any scrutiny and suggestions are always welcome!)


  1. A vivid example of "Thinking Aloud" and that too a combination of societal and personal thoughts ... Very interesting ...

  2. hmmm... Nice, interesting string of thoughts. But I beg to differ from the overall idea. My perspective may even answer ur qn to some extent. First of all, earth is not the only planet with life. There is life in the galaxy in more advanced forms that they are capable of interplanetary travel. They have found us, we are yet to reciprocate. This is accepted by science. And reg the black holes, if there were no black holes, space would now be filled up with so much debris leaving no space for further evolution. This is an extension of ur thought on evolution. Existing things must disappear, in order for something new to evolve. Coming to the end of ur piece, I think you are not aware of something called 'the law of averages'. It states a simple concept, in the end everything evens out! Neither good wins, nor bad wins. It just evens out so that stability is maintained. In simple terms, if cupid ensures something, yamaraj ensures something else so that the balance is maintained. It is the play of these two opposite forces to various degrees that creates the multitude called life! Law of averages applies to every avenue of science. If u look things from a third party perspective, you will understand everything evens out in the long run. Think of it, may be u can write a sequel to this blog! Scrap me if you want to know more abt this...

  3. interesting.... i dun deny the fact that the questions are answerable... i know abt the law of averages [:)] point noted..would keep that in mind[:)].My blog is jus the reflection of conflicting thoughts that keep on haunting me evry now and then! as of the advanced life forms... they may exist but as long as i don have an evidence i refuse to accept!(tho studies and research are on.. to get in touch with ETs)!
    I appreciate the fact that u took a time off to think and comment on my blog[:)]!
