Monday, December 15, 2008

Dees of life

God has given us one life, matter of about 60-80 years on average,an opportunity to experience what remains unexplored.A chance to rewrite what was discovered earlier!I can go on and on with similar sentences to bring the priceless possession of ours into limelight!
Yet there is so much to experience in so little time!it is believed that God made the life synonymous to heaven in six days and on the last day he created man!And still the human race is exploring the so called six day of god's labor!how better or worse could it get?
all our lives we are gifted with such valuable memories which,if we begin to recall and frame,would last forever!Such a complete family to be born in,a comfortable and happy life to lead,friends to share ur mind,someone spl with whom u can spend your entire life,a child
whose smile can eliminate the slightest pain in one's subconscious mind!AND STILL WE FEEL DISAPPOINTED,DOWN,IN DESPAIR,COMPLETELY SHATTERED sometimes! Whom should i hold responsible?? i wonder...

A day which appears to be so vibrant,so teeming with life,so beautifully decorated one year ago loses its lusture in a split second!It just doesn remain the same.All of a sudden everything seems to slip out of hands like sand!Everything surrounding appears be so convincing that even the miniscule detail sounds perfect and nothing is wrong....IT WOULD BE TO EVERYONE ELSE....but ask someone who has willingly gone away from his grip of life..his friend...whom he considered as his best synonymous soul..a rarity!It takes a great deal of will power to
give up one's life supporting system!The things which seemed so trivial,with an aura around to guide you,assumes a monstrous form ,difficult to overpower!And when he looks back for his supplement...its gone beyond his reach!Then,begins a strife to be an eversmiling and happy clown faced human winning hearts,known and unknown,by his attitude.Eventually it becomes his normal attire!However,his real persona remains the same...everytime he sees his treasure before him...his heart wants to go and grab it but mind's decision is otherwise..for it
knows that a bounce back to the old routine would be an absolute chaos!All this a soul..fighting bravely but ultimately giving up..a soul that silently weeps.. the sound of the sob remains unheard....buried deep in its conscience!This is when a human,who has
lost a battle against his emotions,needs a meagre amount of love!Set love apart...even the slightest gesture made by you,a look from the corner of your eye,a lil half curved smile,a small pat on the back,few words of general context,a lil belief in his capabilities could bring
him back to life!! HIS TRUE LIFE!

The world around is not always about competing with all and crusading through the rough seas!I know ...few have experienced this at some point of life or other!And few know someone who lives with such circumstances!It is never too late for anything.... you needn have to do
cheer someone up just for the sake of doing it..but if you do.. you wont find your name in great books or in news bulletins...but inside a small heart which would remember you till it beats!!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

VOLTE FACE...journey from a serious thought to a trivial smile

Its been so long..really long since i sat down and shared my thoughts with my diary...appeared as if i dint have anything to talk about or if i were lifeless....thank god..m glad i heart is beating at a very very normal pace... and m in pink of health(yipeeee....)..does this sound like a voice within u trying to break free???trying to tell you something??like a fairy tale on a fantasy island???if you are thinking on these lines...then M SORRY.....BONG....WRONG ANSWER... (sounds like a telebrands ad..he he...stereotypic)
well on second thoughts... what i typed above is partially true and partially unbelievable(mark my words..i never said its a lie)So how does a person feel when he is al alone?(i had to use a HE..doesn mean that m talkin only about guys....duh! remember its ENGLISH!) how does he feel when he always has someone on mind?(lovestruck..come on ...control your thinking horses... it can be mom,friend,pet and even a dream match)Does it feel like butterflies fluttering in the stomach??does it feel like a white wall with streaks of red,green and blue??does it sound like the laughter of a lil kid??its so difficult to bring in all the shades of thoughts onto a single canvas of life...I m sure your brains would have thought of so many many ...that its not possible to compile and pen them down!Its just the power of emotions.......from the darkness within to the rainbow outside... and here i m ruled by the sixth sense of mine...thinking of my past and present...all of a sudden everything makes sense... the loneliness of the past made me savor the happiness with more passion....the downfall made me aspirant of peaks of achievement...the life of mine..has given me so much...and just when i was about to lose my true self...i got it back(and m at loss of words to describe how it feels now!!) the most unexpected way(puzzled?..keep thinking)wonderful isnt it?Thats how it call it fate...god...power...prophecy...invisible supreme energy...aura...ANYTHING...but ultimately... u get wat u deserve in life!

nop.. all this was written long back.. i dun even remember when i saved it... i jus had the thought of writing a blog to bring up a little smile and ZAP!! i stumbled upon my old folder to see this draft.. as i read through i couldn stop smiling(how true!)


Friday, October 24, 2008

Just another dawn!

A day not as important as other... routine monotony..repetition..exaggerating?? u must be kidding!
YES! m talking abt a normal weekday...not less boring than the weekends(okay okay i get u!! stop wondering...m talking about a fresh friday!)So so so... the day begins ever so a chunk of butter melting on a hot pan(yummy!) and my sleep breaks wen my mum wit loads of love..wakes me up wit her voice as sweet as a lullaby(i still wonder how!)wit al de laziness i crawl up to refresh myself.... and get going... my daily routine chat... fights....smiles... bla bla..( I TOLD U..its jus another more no less)!As i start frum my dwelling... i notice my dad isn at m on my own( u mit b wonderin why..keep thinkin!)let me get back to my story!! All of a sudden i find myself oly source of entertainment..MY MOBILE!not many would reply to my msgs...and those who did... conveyed the information!looked as if i didn have an image or was i invisible to them??(duh!!..anyways) i continue my journey to the concrete valley(my college..of course!) and happen to be the first gal to arrive in the class!!(has its own advantage!!) time flies as i plunge myself into a novel...jus to kil time..but my senses as usual perform the task asigned to them(eyes read...but my ears listen to de loud conversations going on in the class....i wasn alone in class.... man i had a hard time controllin my laughter!!)and the day goes on.... to become more complex(cos when u take notes for abt 1.5 hrs... ur mind shuts down instantly!! u knw wat i mean... ) and so the process unfolds wit bizzare incidences...coincidences...m stranded in my own college like a prisoner(yeah....tiring),my friends escape.... and to top it al..the god of rain is sooo kind hearted..tat he sends all his love and affection on a single day to convince me!(don get me?..heavy downpour) and i sittin on my at the irony of nature... i mean it cudn get worse..can it??(i cant get back home....NOW THATS BAD!) ... accompanied by my frnd.. we go to canteen..have a hot cup of make ourselves feel better on this fateful day!! still smiling!!the downpour lessened..and we lik pigeons... flutterin their wet wings....escape frum the jungle!!after half hour of tiring travel... i could see my dad waiting for me....drencehed in rain... wit a smile...and all my tiredness vanishes!!(THE END??NO NO NO..NOT YET)i come back home.... and then my day ends on a bad note!!(dun ask wat why and how) and inspite of so many twists and turns on a single day.. i call it another normal day..IT WAS JUS ANOTHER DAWN!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Many have made a statement-"everything changes with time!"
Is there anything that doesnt?A billion dollar question!
Yes,everything does change except "CHANGE".
Indeed it is.. rewind few years..and you ll find yourself exactly doing the same thing(thinking about future)

so what if i jot down few lovely moments of KILEY as a feast for those who are reading this now!

The first of course is knowing that she had her parents alive!HER FAMILY
The fact that they wont abandon her for any reason..cos she was a gal!!She had siblings too.. what if one loved her more than anything (like his precious doll) while the other
would find a chance to thrash her( to shape her as a human).Deep down there inside her heart she still loved em..for giving her a beautiful life as a new born!

Next came her school(s)..somewhere in a remote land.. the oly way to get in was to perfect one's recitation skills(rhymes and numbers i mean!)and she did!(her family was the secret behind)
a little tiny weiny gal in a huge world..on her own..fair enough!
And slowly her world started growing..from one town to other(this time without her siblings..they started living their lives)she landed up where she exists now(she had spent her entire childhood away from her native..and now was back to her dwelling)
I still remember ...she telling her mom "muma i don like this bloody place..a teacher slapped me..she is bad..can we go back where daddy worked last month?can we ma? can we? can we?" and she wud put her to sleep telling her tat we would go back one day!(funny ...but yes it was another lovely moment)
And here she was struggling hard.. to cope with the new methods of teaching!
It was march 31,2000(her prayers in full swing to escape failure)she heard her name loud and clear.."rank 3:KILEY"
Two years passed and she achieved proficiency in the field of music,sports and what not! she was pretty comfortable with the staff,friends....except one..yeah yeah ..the TOPPER!
every year her name would be read...but..never as a topper!she wasnt satisfied to be called the second best( SHE WASNT TAT) Having worked hard yet knowing that she would never make it to the top..she gave up!
The D day arrived..results...she wasnt nervous anymore for she knew wat the results were going to be...(casually) her class teacher's voice began...3rd was her turn..she stood up..the teacher said "it isnt you this year"..humiliated.. biting her teeth...she headed back to her seat..she was curious to know..2nd rank ...(that left her tensed..confused) and a sweet as honey..."1st rank:KILEY" (her long time dream....was now the fact...she was now academically proficient...numero uno!life rocked)
Days flew past..she was in her high school(not as jack of all trades but a nerd!)she faired well in academics..and to her surprise her latent athletic skills were recognized too!She was happy but never content(her happiness was never a complete one..though she knew this is where her future lies!Indeed another lovely experience added to her diary !)

Her life is more beautiful than yesterday and improving every minute..she has learnt to differentiate the bunnies,bears from the werewolves and foxes!

Indeed there is a silver lining to every cloud...and an icing to every cake!!