Sunday, September 27, 2009

Life is but an empty dream!

Its been a really long time since i wrote!But this time the excuse is a bit different..The thought to instigate write today is something i see daily!SO here it goes!!!

Come September and its monsoon, exams, holidays... A month which buzzes away with elegance!It was early this month that I got an idea to blog about.A beautiful path from my home to my college! I realised I never noticed few things that were so breathtaking!On a dim Wednesday evening,I was returning from my college...yup... the suburban train it is ppl... totally out of thoughts,exhausted by an excruciating day I sat there like a lifeless entity..gazing towards the lilac sky! Station by station passing by...train running on its music and its own rhythm. The train came to a halt at fruit station as it is called by many.. and thats when i noticed something.. As the train started.. i saw group of people standing in the queue to buy tickets.. yelling.. frighting.. moving forward..there were a group of vendors happily counting their earnings for the day... some distance ahead were a pair of lovebirds(normal scene nowadays u know!)... beyond this a lady on the bench literally involved in a POW WOW(yeah she was screaming ... scolding someone over the phone.. poor guy... oops...might have been a gal.. who knows!)and ya at last.. i had a glimpse of children ..carrying their schoolbags.. cursing the school for making them carry so many books yet enjoying their chocolates(Courtesy:kiosks .. opened at every station except.. ya u guessed right...the stop near my coll!! So coming back to the topic.. the moment i noticed this ... my tiredness disappeared.. and i noticed every station that passed by.. OH gosh.. such a contrast.. few at the pinnacle of happiness..few in the ditch of gloom!And my mind and heart asked only one question... Why .. sometimes.. why do we don't feel satisfied with what we have? Why don't we just stop bothering ourselves about people who bother us!(if that makes sense..)And there was this smirk.. a smile.. a satisfaction(No i don love the letter 'S'..).

The next morning as i was about to climb down the steps at railway station.. i saw a train coming..or should i say a caterpillar.. moving towards its destination.. in a party mood.. And when i climbed in.. i saw a set of familiar faces.. Once again there was this smile.. The train.. thro which i commute everyday... had given me so many people... strangers... friends..rivals.. people who were none of these ..but never forgot to give me a warm smile on seeing me.. Now i thought why din i notice this before? How did these ppl come into my life...Why m i noticing them now.. Why?

Yeah..U GUESSED IT RIGHT.. two conflicting thoughts...One the previous evening ..the other next morning.. What was all this about?? noticing people?? or getting noticed? May be a bit of both..

The next day of college brought another surprise.. My classmates??nop.. friends?? nop.. they were friends IN THE MAKING. It just took a hi.. hey wats up... oh gosh no.. a nod.. to realise something that was missing in my life... A GESTURE.. to show i KNOW and i CARED(arey baba ..not the charity kind.. neither the AMWAY ad kinda thing..Oh god.. u ppl.. watch TV a lot!)Certain things are better unsaid.. few better done..

And as if this wasn't enough.. there was another incident on the train... no no.. not the next day... ten days later... (gosh sounds like MEGA SERIAL... sheeeeash...) I had gone to hostel to do some work..(tame ur horses ppl.. i went for a project work..)On my way home.. after hoppin into the train.. i got a window bliss when u are wrecking your brain.. ten minutes later... my eyes were filled wit tears... No not happiness.. Wrong again.. Nothing sad... PAIN.. someone was pulling my hair clip...gosh.. and when i turned to see who the hell it was... Guess wat...A SMILE.. flushing the anger away... It was a lil gal.. just like a princess.. happily playing with everyone on train.. smiling at everyone.. waving... beautiful feeling.. when u encounter something this aura..i was light at heart when i got down at my destination..

Humming a single line.. "tell me not in mournful numbers, life is but an empty dream"


Take care n keep smiling :)